Sell recordings, notion pages, courses and more!

There's a lot more you can do with Digital Products

We've made it super easy for you to sell any document, video file or literally anything to your audience through a simple LINK.

Here's all the cool stuff you can now sell -

1. Webinar Recordings

You can sell the recording of a webinar or a session to people who may want access to it later.

Topmate allows you to record the session and sell it later on.

You can add the webinar recording as a digital product on your profile from where they can purchase and download it.

2. Courses

Launching a course is an amazing way to share knowledge in an area of your expertise and generate income out of it. 

So now you call add your course videos and content in a Drive Folder or Notion page and sell it as a course on Topmate!

3. Notion templates

You can use this feature to sell Notion Templates containing checklists, resources, tutorials, etc. 

These can be a great way to provide value to your audience, share your expertise and generate passive income from it.

4. Video tutorials

Let's say you have some amazing and insightful videos on a particular topic. Now, it's not big enough to be a full blown course. 

So what do you do?

Well you sell the videos as tutorial or guides. It's easier to get started than a course and easier for people to try out!

But don't think that's all you can do. This is just the tip of the iceberg and there's no limit to what you can do with Digital Products!