Sell anything with Digital Products

One of the best ways to earn passive income is to sell digital products.

Coz Digital Products don't require your active attention. You can simply create and add Digital Products to your profile - then sit back and see the sales go up.


And there's no end to what you can sell with Topmate's Digital Products!


Some of the most popular digital products being sold on Topmate


Resume templates

Creating a stunning resume isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. That is why they’re always looking out for great templates.


If you have a resume template that you think is great, you can sell it to your audience on Topmate and start earning passive income today!


Cover letters

Just like resume templates, cover letters are just as popular! If you have an amazing cover letter, that you used to crack some amazing companies, your followers would love to get a copy. And now you can even sell your cover letter templates on Topmate


Learning plans

You can even sell your customised learning plans. Think you know the best path for learning coding, AI or even a language? Well, create a step by step plan in a notion page or even a pdf and sell it on Topmate! You won't believe how many of your followers are just looking for a great learning plan!


Mental health checklists

As a Mental health expert you can offer ready-to-use mental health checklists or templates to your audience. Give your powerful frameworks and templates to your followers, so that they can keep improving their lives!


From Daily mood trackers to Gratitude Checklists, you can sell them all on Topmate


Tax planners

We all know tax planning and filing taxes can be such a daunting task. So if you're an expert in finance, you can create a tax planner and sell it to your audience. After all, who doesn't love a good tax planning template?


Btw, one of users sold over 10K of her tax planner template. Yeah, no kidding - people hate tax planning :P


Content calendar

You're a creator who has figured out everything. You have a content plan, a content calendar. 


But your followers are trying to become creators too. And they want to learn from you. So sell your content calendar template that can help your followers (and budding creators) to plan, organize, and schedule content creation


Content ideas

If you're a creator, chances are - you are well aware of trends, content etc, that really work. So why not create a list of amazing content ideas that can fit into any industry and sell them? It can literally help save budding creators save hours and help them grow as a creator!


There's really no end to all that you can sell with Digital Products. Your imagination (and this page) is the only limit